Bazi analysis
Do You Have THESE BURNING QUESTIONS in your mind? I can’t make progress though I have tried my best, it is always stagnant and I don’t know why? I’m facing a crisis. Where can I get answers or guidance how I can get out of it? Am I making the […]
Do You Have THESE BURNING QUESTIONS in your mind?
- I can’t make progress though I have tried my best, it is always stagnant and I don’t know why?
- I’m facing a crisis. Where can I get answers or guidance how I can get out of it?
- Am I making the right decision?
- Am I in the right career or job?
- Am I picking the right study subjects?
- What business should I venture in?
- What kind of investment profiles should I go for?
- What is the change that I need to make for the better?
Zen Feng Shui will satisfy you to answer your above questions. Besides that, we also provide our services in:
Mentoring and Orientation:
At Zen Feng Shui we have developed a mentorship/orientation program to enable individual mapping out and getting right ideas or making their strategic plan on personal development and investment, which will be based on identifying capability, potentials, strengths, and hidden talents inside each individual that individual or their parents even don’t realise. This program is similar to the SWOT analysis, which is to do deep analysis of internal strengths, weaknesses and external opportunities and threats that individual would possibly face. Once the person can identify/ call out all of them, then we as their mentor help them to make their feasibly-strategic plan in term of which areas they can promote, develop, and enhance, which areas they should improve for better and enabling for achievements as nobody is born to be a perfect; as well as which they should avoid or can minimise for risk and effectively and maximisingly fulfill their goals. With this program, we ensure that any candidate receiving our mentoring will know their path to walk and how to walk their path.
Wealth & Money:
What everybody wants to know is “will I be wealthy?”. The correct question to ask, is “how can I become wealthy?”.
If a BaZi chart is used as a map, a BaZi consultant is about discovering where you are right now, defining where you want to be at, and finding out the best routes to help you get there. In summary, we will help you first get to be aware of your current situation, then define what the goal you want to achieve and finally determined the choices and options you need to get there.
Career, Business & Investments:
A Bazi chart can speak volumes of a person’s investment profile, true and hidden gifts and talents, strengths and potentials, the Bazi consultants will help you to realise it; to find out what your Day Master and Career Palace indicates, to discover if you are destined to profit from your passion; as well as to find out if you have the profile of a business owner or better off as a professional, to learn about the careers and functions you are more likely to perform better at.
Consulting in relationships with us is not only simply giving advice, but rather offering our clients with clear and concise interpretation of their relationships in love, friendship, marriage, kids, parents, relatives, business partnership, and more importantly helping them to find amicable solutions to enhance their relationship or to trigger for its growth. For some cases, we transform their relationships and their lives; for others we help them solve a specific problem and move forward with more confidence and less anxiety.
Health & Wellbeing:
Whether your issue is fitness or illness, whether it’s physical or mental, whether it’s you or someone you love, consulting for Health and Wellbeing can provide you with the correct and best strategy to partake in any given situation. It’s a matter of being aware of your current state where preventive actions can we taken.
A person’s bazi natal provides us with indications and clues, a method of detection and early signs to do with their health. Similar to the principles of Chinese Medicine, based on the 5 elements – Bazi also can detect the root of any health problem and therefore can provide the best solution to it.
Profiling & Personal Assessment:
BaZi is based on the Date and Time of birth of a person, BaZi unlike any other questions based profiling systems – cannot be manipulated; is a non-biased and non-judgmental profiling and personal assessment tool used to improve effectiveness and productivity.
We have designed Bazi profiling and personal assessment primarily for hiring managers and people who make decisions on hiring, which can help determine a candidate’s behavior, character, traits, talents and roles inherent in their personal charts. More importantly, it helps facilitate business owners to make better decisions by knowing what really motivates these individuals and how to manage them.
What is the bazi and its benefits in details:
Bazi is one of the foremost forms of Chinese Astrology, which to study of life destiny and of course it’s focused on human being. Bazi means eight characters. These eight characters come from birth data of people, which is Year, Month, Day, and Hour, are made into four pillars, each consists of a heavenly stem and an earthly branch. In other words, Bazi is also known as Four Pillar of Destiny. Those only eight characters consist of heavenly secrets of oneself, which include their potential, mysteries, the ups and downs of life. Bazi analysis is about to use the above information to unlock these secrets on people’s in-born and potential talents as well as the whole picture of their life that they will go though from the day they come to this world until they depart to the another world. In other words, Bazi analysis can provide the following benefits:
- It can help one to identify people characteristics, their strengths and weaknesses, from there they know to how advance and make used of their talents to maximize their inherent abilities and to improve their weakeness as well.
- It also can help one to know about their affinities in relationships with their parents, siblings, spouses, children, superiors, subordinates, friends, co-workers, and surrounding community, as well as their well-being.
- It also can help one to figure out their ability to amass, accumulate, manage and or save wealth, outcomes of their decisions and actions in their life, issues may be created by them, physical conditions and common illness that they will have, their working capabilities and career prospects, and opportunities to enjoy their life.
- Additionally, Bazi analysis will help to forecast the general fortune of a person in a period of time of 10 years, yearly luck cycle, as well as monthly luck cycles, which to undertand what to expect in their life path in certain times and then to enable people to make better plans for their life journeys in advancing and making endeavours accordingly in order to maximize the chances for success and minimize the riskes of failure.
- In conclusion, Bazi analysis is to help people understand themselves, the external factors that influence them and help guide them in making decisions and improving their life for better fortunes and better life.
Given these benefits that Bazi analysis can bring, our masters from Zen FengShui Consultancy with tremendous skills in this area can work as your life coaching or counselor in many areas, such as:
- In education path and career orientation to parents to help them set their children’s education investment and career goal according to their children’s talents and passions and pave a better foundation for them to maximize their true innate gifts.
- In human resource management solutions to employers to help them select and hire the most suitable candidates for matching their job requirements as well as structure and restructure their workforces for maximizing the returns of their investment in human capital and achieve their business objectives.
- In relationships between couples to help you ease your stress if parties have no reason to suspect your partners, based on their Bazi.
- And nonetheless to help you make informed-decision when you come to choose your life/business partners
Finally, our role and aim are to help you understand yourself, who are you, your potentials, path of your life and guide you a better living.
To request for a bazi analysis consultancy, please contact via the phone number: +84933534886 or email